We are a group of scientists and entrepreneurs who came together to solve some big problems. As we saw with COVID-19, the world of molecular diagnostics, as in PCR, has some serious issues. There has always been a shortage of diagnostic tests, and most patients must wait for days or weeks to get their test results. But COVID-19 brought this issue front and center. We want to solve the problem of the shortage of molecular diagnostic kits. Our goal is to use innovation to make the most accurate molecular tests and distribute them to patients so no patients sleep with anxiety about not knowing their test results.

The newest generation of an extraction system for Nucleic Acid (RNA & DNA) from biological sources like blood, serum, plasma, virus, bacteria, and fungi is based on magnetic nanoparticles. Extraction devices by magnetic probes and their special kits made of magnetic nanoparticles are the fastest and most accurate way to purify RNA & DNA to use these purified in other Lab tests to analyze them and detect diseases. HighDx is a market leader in this segment because of its advanced technology.

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Reliable Agroscience & Soil Analysis Research.

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Medical Research

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Blood Resources

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Clinical Biochemistry

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